7' 10" x 19.75"x 2.75" Pavel/Hess 5 fin

My personal Five fin gun that I have been really enjoying this winter. Moonlight did a very nice subtle aqua tint on this one.

Malloy Quintara Quad

Dan Malloys new Quintara quad. 6'2"x19.5"x2.325"


Moonlight glassed Lola Quad for Mollusk. I'll have some Lola Bonzer roundpins soon. Peter from Moonlight did some amazing black pinlines on these. Enjoy

Moonlight glassed Pacheco Quad on its way to Mollusk

Pavel/ Hess Collaboration

Welcome to the Hess Surfboards blog. I thought I would create this to keep people updated with whats happening in the little world of Hess Surfboards. I thought a good place to begin was with some photos of the recent Collaborative Boards I did with Rich Pavel. I believe these are still over at the Green Room, so go by and take a look if you have a chance. Rich provided the design and vision for these while I built and shaped them. Moonlight worked their amazing magic with these beautiful glass jobs. Enjoy