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Surftech manager threatens to sabotage the Hawaii Challenge board with a chainsaw, then says that he was joking weeks later !
******************************** Update 3rd November 2008:OK SWAYLOCKIANS so OTAY says that he was joking, thankyou for that message Sir O.The board is packed up, and is ready and waiting to be shipped, so it's just a matter of the necessary freight money. Anyone willing to shell out to see the great event should check in with the NZ crew at ( either Beano, Spud, FatherTed, Hunty or TheRealGroovn will know how to proceed. I'm not collecting funds myself although there is still $100 in the fund from previous donations.The estimate from Air New Zealand to get the board from Auckland Airport to Honolulu is NZ$670, plus freight to Auckland the total cost will be approximately NZ$800ThaR she blows ! PS Thankyou to OTAY for his offer to buy the board for US$2000 plus freight, but we are unable to accept.*****************************************************************************This statement was posted today on Swaylock's surfboard design forum by 'OTAY' who is known to be a surftech manager : "in memory of the Kauai activists keeping the super ferry off their island I wanted to do the same on Oahu by keeping imported super large vessels off Oahu. Word on the street is Roy's board is arriving on pier 17, so lets meet there with our signs and chain saws to stop the imported large vessel influx in America. Help keep our surf breaks safe and say no to royboard."Here's a screenshot of the post to prove it:We are taking this threat seriously. It is clear that some members of the USA surf industry feel that their business and mana is threatened by the arrival of the radical 13 foot 'Future Primitive' surfboard in Hawaii.The bottom line is that in spite of the fact that they constantly publish statements saying that the board won't work in Hawaii, they know in their bones that it is a truly exceptional and revolutioanry longboard, and it will take the wind out of their sails if it gets loose on the North Shore this winter. This threatens them, and they don't like it. Sabotaging the board would be easy to achieve and is par for the course for unscrupulous and demonic toads of big industry