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Summer Stoke
Little groms and big groms alike are digging the summer surf. Eli finds a little bowl to slip into as his buddies wait for the next wedge. Carly is one of those stoked kids who rides both long and shortboards with confidence and grace. Being a goofy foot in the land of right point breaks, she savors the rare left. Not afraid to put it up on a rail, Carly puts her 6'0" through it's paces at a recent contest. Rumor has it that she has a good golf game too. Just shows you how this girl gets into the swing of things by being versatile with her equipment. Walker takes his mom's 6'2" out and slides into a nice one with style. Does he know that just over the jetty and out off the point is Mavericks?Sam and Dad getting ready to join a "bunch of friends" at Malibu on our last road trip down south. It's all aloha when you share the summer stoke.