So Kameron and I decided to give some surf lessons this summer. These were our first two groups and they had a blast. The first group was our friends Lilly and Jane who are sisters from Texas. They really like callin' us yall and we can't figure out why..They're cute girls and they happen to love hangin' out down at Sano just like us so we figured we'd connect the dots and teach em' how to surf. Their Dad Sterling's really nice too. He's got the radest van you can imaging. A dually Sprinter that's white with black trim and the full set up inside to store boards for days. He can fit his whole quiver in the thing including two stand up paddle boards and a leaf blower!
Lily warmin' up for her lesson.
Lily shredding the Surftech blacktip with grace and agility.
Now here were the real troopers... These kids were gettin' pinned by their boards, smashed in the shore brake, dragged by their leashes, sand in their mouth, chased by crocodiles and yet they still managed to stand up on their very first waves EVER. I didn't even stand up on my first wave ever! From Left to Right is Cole, Mini Christian, and Chase. These kids are funny lil sand crabs and really know how to chow down the marsh mellows, eating an entire bag between the three of em'. Check out the style these kids got!!
Sand Surfin'