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Ocean Magic twin fin by Mooney McAllum
Here's another great board from Alex Williams, its a late 70s 6'4 twinnie Ocean Magic shaped by Mooney for British champion Steve Daniel. The board appears on the cover of Wavelength no1 and Steve Daniel's Plymouth surf shop ad. Steve was one of the best surfers to come out of Devon, always at the cutting edge of board design, stocking international shapes in his influential Barbican surf store, and befriending international surf stars like Mark Richards and Shaun Thompson. His shop had boards by these two, plus the first Simon Anderson thrusters in 1981.In the mid 70s Steve and Nigel Semmens surfed on the world IPS tour, competing against the world's best in Hawaii, South Africa and Ausralia, and he travelled widely freesurfing. He didn't get his British title till 1981, long overdue. Thanks for sharing it with us Alex its a beaut; if you can give Alex and more info on his boards he'd be happy to hear from you, email .