The million dollar question is... what do you do with your old surfboards? a) keep them? b) throw them out to become landfill? or c) give them to some grommet to learn to surf on it?
If you answered C then you have done a good deed. Surfboards are called surfboards for a reason cause they were meant to be surfed on. Instead of sending your board to the landfill to take up more space and pollute the environment even more.... consider donating it for a good cause.
In collaboration with Jamo Borthwick and Walkin on Water surf school, we are putting together a program where surfers can donate their old surfboards to less fortunate children in Papua New Guinea.
So do a good thing for yourself, someone else, and the environment all at the same time. Visit Walkin On Water for more info on where to drop your board off or if your on the Gold Coast, Drop into D'Arcy Surfboards and feel better about yourself!
If you answered C then you have done a good deed. Surfboards are called surfboards for a reason cause they were meant to be surfed on. Instead of sending your board to the landfill to take up more space and pollute the environment even more.... consider donating it for a good cause.
In collaboration with Jamo Borthwick and Walkin on Water surf school, we are putting together a program where surfers can donate their old surfboards to less fortunate children in Papua New Guinea.
So do a good thing for yourself, someone else, and the environment all at the same time. Visit Walkin On Water for more info on where to drop your board off or if your on the Gold Coast, Drop into D'Arcy Surfboards and feel better about yourself!