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friends reunited
Its farewell to my Cheyne Horan today, but a happy goodbye. It was Martin Conolly's first board , a christmas present in 1988, and the board he began surfing on. When he part exed it for a Boardwalk thruster a few years later did he think he'd ever see it again ? Not a chance. Martin runs a surf school and is a friend of Alex's, and sent in photos of a couple of nice old boards for the blog last year. On the blog he caught a glimpse of what might have been his first board, but wasn't sure - there could have been loads with that design. But looking at the stickers on the underside sealed it, it was the same board, and he sent in an old pic of him and the board in 1988. Now, the Cheyne was a board I'd vowed I wouldn't part with unless I found a nicer one, but hey I am human, and the chances of finding your old board again after 25 years are so slim, we've done a board swap and its back in his quiver and going to get in the water at Bantham again. Needless to say he's as stoked as a 10 year old with his first board ! I'm hoping that a healthy dose of good karma may come my way and help me find another cheyne one day...