Asher Pacey and Damian Wills Heading South for the Winter Lines...

Road Trippin - Gold Coast from Surfing Life on Vimeo.
ASL filmer Nick Pollet last week embarked on a Goldy to Bondi road trip with Asher Pacey and Damian Wills. With the car all packed up for the long journey down south to catch some of that amazing winter swell we've been having they didn't get very far as Snapper and D'Bah caught their eye just after pulling out of Asher's driveway. So the boards came back off the roof and they were out to boost some ramps at D'Bah and enjoy some of those long barrels at Snapper before finally packing up again and heading south.
Stay tuned for more webisodes of their trip...

Surf Photographer Mickey Smith On BBC2

Surf Photographer Mickey Smith On BBC2:

Mickey Smith, a renowned surf photographer from Penzance, Cornwall shares his intimate relationship with the sea in this short clip. Brilliant cinematography and a look at what drives a cold water photographer.

the Tom's new longboard

this is a great board to anyone who want to start riding longboards. It's based on one of the most popular designs from takayama, the DT2, with slight changes

MC in the house

bonzer_vehicleMalcolm will be in the factory shaping next week, so if you need convincing on the merits of a bonzer pop in and say hi from Wednesday onwards… Mr Penwarden or myself will also be around to help you on your way to a more pleasurable surfing experience.

This is one of my all time favourite planshapes from Malcolm… that lovely fullish nose with the curvy middle and straighter drivey tail… oh and masterful pinlines from Moonlight Glassings, Peter St Pierre.

I’ve been doing some American Ash bonzer sides for a few of my boards this week, so hope to get a set on the longboard next week and maybe get in the shaping room as i have a few piling up now!

Rat's Aquatic Almond

Rat picked up a new Cy's Aquatic Almond off the racks the other day; and didn't waste any time putting it through the paces.

Surfing Photo: Hunter Votolato