Question: Why do a majority of my 'clients' order blue surfboards?
Hypothesis: No friggin idea.
Methods: The Google.
Results: an author I'd never heard of insists her book covers be blue, as blue books outsell other-colored books by a considerable margin.
A 2003 wavelength study found that beetles, mosquitoes, and flies are attracted to blue light.
Crystals, such as Blue Topaz, are noted for individuality, creativity, and hotness in the sack.
None of this sound like my clientele. Nowhere could I find research connecting blue to drunkenness, juvenile commentary, prurient behaviors, or generally repellent social practices.
Which brings me to...
Case Study #1: Hardy Danger.

Two days after their wedding, the above cell phone image made its way to the States. The text read: Wedding Night.
Conclusions: my clientele can be summed up with the following descriptors: unwilling to prioritize their loved ones over their loved possessions even during the most cherished of occasions, sexually deviant, almost certainly inebriated, alarmingly hirsute, swarthy.
Discussion: In the interest of ongoing scientific query, I ask you how many blue waveriding vehicles do you own? And if you chose the color, why?
Be honest. I promise not to tell anyone other than publishing it on this blog.
Also, if you have a caption for the above photo, I'm all ears.