Wooden surfboard venting: The Goretex vent
These little Goretex vents from Peter at Casica engineering are easy to install and come in retrofit or glass over options. I am using the glass over option as the retro fit was sold out. The Goretex vents allow air to pass throug the membrane but not water, so they don't have to be opened and shut.Pete Casica, Casica Engineering25631 Via Del Rey, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-4458(949) 493-4824 Office, (949) 365-6603 Cell, casica@earthlink.net
The white circle in the middle is a sticker which is supplied to keep resin and dust out of the vent while it is being installed. The goretex plug is a little black bolt which is screwed in to the middle, these should be replaced every 2 years or so according to Peter..