Greg Wheeldon is an Architect from Brisbane who did the board building class with Paul Jensen last August. His son Matt was keen to build a board , so with his dads guidance he was kept busy over the Christmas break. " Matt wanted something different, so we cut the deck and hull boards at 450, inset a woven bamboo panel into the deck nose and tailpiece, and hull nose. On the hull we turned the boards back to parallel, to give the tail and fins more interest."
" We even managed to form a 5mm concave to the hull nose, and a 3mm double concave to the tail under the parallel board section."
" He is keen to show it at the Fish Fry so we will see you there ." Would love to see the board at the Fish Fry Matt, this is exactly what it is all about. A great life experience for anyone to build their own board .
Proud dad with his board he built with Paul Jensen at The Eco Village last year.