This is Santa Cruz and when the surf goes flat for a couple of weeks folks around here will try anything to appease the surf gods. In this case a local Samba band decided to do an impromptu photo / video shoot in front of the Steamer Lane mural by my shop.

I was in my shaping room when I started hearing an unfamiliar beat. It drew my outside to see these cats pounding out a hypnotic rhythm.

Next thing I know it's a party and gala clad girls on stilts with feather boas and hula hoops start dancing around.

Soon it was a carnival and a lively crowd gathered and watched the festivities unfold. The mural has been the backdrop for a lot of interesting and creative photo ops. Santa Cruz has a richly colorful cast of characters who at an moment can pop up and remind us that life is really worth living. Whatever mojo these folks have it must be working because shortly after their gig we had that nice south swell and our first northwest of the season heading our way.